Adult Classes


It can sometimes be hard to wrap your mind around what a church is all about from a visit or two, so we created the Planted class to help people get to know us better. Attending this class will:

  • help you learn about our history and vision
  • explore ways to get more involved
  • ask questions
  • get to know people
  • complete the first step towards becoming a West Valley partner

Classes are typically held after church on Sunday and last about 2-3 hours (lunch is provided). If you’d like to sign up for the next class, click the button below.


Rooted is a multi-dimensional, interactive small-group experience designed to kickstart the process of making practical, lasting change in yourself through a deeper relationship with God. During the multi-week course, you’ll get together weekly with a small group of people, talking through what God has been revealing to you as you go through a guided series of learning experiences (and how the heck to figure out what God’s revealing to you). It’ll include doing some reading, writing down some thoughts, praying together, serving together, tackling some tough questions, and learning to see the activity of God in new and impacting ways.

If you've already completed the Planted Class, consider taking the next step. Once we have enough people interested in taking the class, we'll contact you for availability and schedule something that works for everyone.