
June 26, 2022
This week we continue our discussion of Jesus' use of parables. We hear about the parable of the yeast, where the multiplying action of yeast is compared to the permeating nature of God's kingdom. We also learn about the parable of the mustard seed, where even the smallest seed of faith can grow into something vast and impactful, just like a tiny mustard seed grows into a large tree.
Pastor Joel also talks about Jesus' parable of the weeds from Matthew 13:24-30, where Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a field of wheat sown with good seed, but later infested with weeds planted by an enemy. Jesus teaches that at the end of the age, God will send his angels to separate the righteous (symbolized by wheat) from the wicked (symbolized by weeds). The wicked will be cast into a blazing furnace, while the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. God is merciful, so He allows us time for repentance and growth before the harvest.